Updated: Jun 18, 2020
The Countdown begins!
I am now at my full term, and expecting baby to come anytime now!
37 Weeks
Two weeks ago at my 37th week gyne appointment, my gyne told me he expects the baby to come within a week because based on my scans, baby appears to be ready; at a weight of 3kg, ideal measurements, and seem to be already engaged. So naturally I was overjoyed, because I was already fed of of being pregnant since I was 33 weeks!
38 Weeks
Last week at 38 week, I had an episode of false labour pains, giving me hopes delivery would have been then. I had what it felt like “gas pains”, where my entire tummy started to ache, which came every 12 mins but lasted 2 mins each time! Never had that much pain in my life so I went to the hospital to check. Was it contractions?

To my dismay, the scans shown were just minor contractions, and I was only 1-2cm dilated. I was like,
I went home, disappointed. (Although my husband seemed to be more disappointed and more tired than me, although I was the one strapped to the hospital bed and constantly having hospital staff sticking their fingers up my cervix to check my dilation -_-)

The following week, I had NO. SIGNS. OF. LABOUR. AT. ALL. No pains, no contractions, just discomfort every fucking day.
Obviously it was a dull week. The waiting, the nesting, and there is only so much I can repack at home. I started going on my exercise everyday, despite the fact that my cat is extremely terrified of it!
39 Weeks
Finally when I hit 39 weeks, there was a sign! I LOST MY MUCUS PLUG! PRAISE THE LORD! I was jumping and dancing around as my husband watch me turn into a crazy woman bouncing around naked across our living room. (Yes, the hormones have made me so hot that clothes are just an inconvenience to me now)
I read that losing the Mucus plug means I could be dilating, or the thinning of the cervix, which means baby is sinking lower. I also read stories online that losing a Muscus Plug also could mean labour could still be a couple of weeks away. I am just glad I am finally getting some near labour signs!!!
I am also starting to feel alot of increased pressure at my vagina, like something is crawling out! So fingers crossed, hopefully little Eilidh Gibson would make her appearance some time next week!
And by the way, did I mention that my family has started a bet on when I’m going to pop?
Ken Gibson (Father in law) | 9/23/2018 | 0125hrs | 3.09KG
Susan Gibson (Mother in law) | 9/27/2018 | 0215hrs | 3.35KG
Kirsty Wilson (Sister in law) | 9/21/2018 | 2300hrs | 4.39KG
Ali Wilson (Brother in law) | 9/24/2018 | 0430hrs | 3.71KG
Stuart Gibson (Husband) | 9/25/2018 | 0915hrs | 3.40KG
Me | 9/26/2018 | 1700hrs | 3.50KG
Updated: May 30, 2020
It’s been awhile since I have updated on my pregnancy, reason being because there wasn’t much updates to be written in a post!
However I have officially reached my 36 week mark, and I only have 4 more weeks to my Estimated Due Date (EDD), and only 1 week till full term! I am hoping to pop around my 37 to 38 week because I am already feeling so sick of being pregnant 😫😫.
Increased Bowel Movements I know previously I have mentioned that I couldn’t stop shitting, but recently I have been loose bowel movements at least 3 times a day without eating much! I read that this could mean your body is getting itself ready for labour, so fingers crossed!
Pelvic Pressure Now, it actually feels painful when I get up and walk about. Especially seating on the desk for hours and suddenly standing up, I do struggle to walk to the loo. Of course, having to brave through peak hour makes it alot unbearable.
Cramps!! The amount of cramps I have lately has increased in intensity. It’s not intense enough to regular enough to be flagged as labour contractions, but argh it is painful.
Lightning Crotch I’m not too sure about the best way to describe this, but I will try my best. I have been feeling a strange pulling sensation in my vagina. It isn’t exactly painful, just almost like an electric shock if you will. It makes me stand still for awhile because it feels like something is about to come out… It’s just a really strange feeling. I read this could be because the baby could be starting to engage!
Hip Pain and Cramps I guess this is pretty similar to pelvic pressure, but these aches and cramps I am having also disturbs me when I am sitting or lying down. Could be the baby trying to get into position and expanding my pelvis, but it is super uncomfortable.
I’m getting increasingly tired at work and it doesn’t help that I am rushing for a submission without much help for production work. I’m hoping to get some hospital leave so I don’t have to use my maternity leave just to get some rest before I give birth, since in Singapore we only get 4 months of maternity. Someone even with 4 months I find it so cruel to leave a 4 mth old baby to go back to work! At least 6 months seems more reasonable as the baby is at a more mature stage in his/her development. Oh wells, life in Asia.
I have been drinking my raspberry leaf tea! It is believed to have shorter labour and sworn by many moms world wide! It’s tasty too 😁😁.

I was previously hospitalized, for having a low placenta which made me bleed slightly (I know scared the hell out of me). But at my 35th week obgyn visit my placenta is not that low anymore! Baby is in position too so I would be able to have a natural birth.
So I guess now it’s just the waiting game!! Everytime I pee I look into the toilet hoping to find my muscus plug. Oh I am so ready to get Krispy Kreme out and into my arms now!!