Updated: May 30, 2020
This Christmas was Eilidh’s first Christmas I Scotland!
I have never seen her so cheerful, I suspect because she is so stimulated by so many around her back home! My Singapore relatives are not as engaging as compared to my Scottish ones.

We flew with British Airways, and I got to say the flight experience was marvelous. The crew was so accommodating towards Eilidh and it was definitely a baby friendly flight.

I had to strap her to my seat belt during take off and landing, but honest Eilidh was an angel throughout. She slept in her bassinet in front of our seats through most of it other than waking up for her feeds. Never really cried unless she wanted our attention 😂.
What I had in my hand carry:
1. Nursing Pillow 2. Nappies 3. Wetwipes 4. Portable Bottle Warmer 5. 2 sets of clothes 6. 2 dummies 7. Milk Stash 8. 2 blankets 9. 2 Muslins 10. 2 face Towels 11. 2 bips 12. Moby baby carrier
The Moby Carrier was a godsent when rushing through the airport without a pram.
Getting good Seats
We got pretty good seats in both our flights. This was because we called BA to make the booking and reserved a bassinet ASAP. Best to do that as the bassinets are on a first come first serve basis.
Security Check
The best advise for this is probably to get to the airport at least half an hour early because this is what will slow you down.
Changi’s check was a breeze. All I did was declared that I was holding a milk bag full of baby milk, and had my infant with me. They let me through without hassle or checking my milk bag. This was helpful because it gave me less stress and less packing to do with my child in my hand and barely any free hands to pack.
However when we were in the UK, both Heathrow and Glasgow Airport, was a fucking nightmare. Both Heathrow and Glasgow took out my milk bag (allowing my cooler bag to heat up), and swipped every single one of them. I was at my highest stress threshold worrying about contamination of the bags. Above all, they did not even have the decency to pack it all back for me. Heathrow took one of my ice block, as if them letting my cooler bag warm wasn’t bad enough. In Glasgow airport, they almost confisicated my entire milk stash. The level of stress is so god damn high and at THE SLOW SPEED they took!!!!! I almost screamed.
And not to mention we missed our connecting flight because of how slow London’s immigration was, and how long it took for the staff to guide us to the next connecting flight. I swear to God the staff in Heathrow is sleeping half the time.

One is so uptight, one us so understand. And which is the one with the terrorist problem? #justsayin 😑😑
On the bright side, so was Eilidh so she was sleeping while we were undergoing all this stress 😂.
Pumping on the Plane
I chose a window seat and also I am using the Spectra handsfree pump, so that came in handing while I pump. I pump every 4 hours which is approximately 3 times on the flight. Everyone was really calm about it maybe because it’s hidden away under my blouse.

Washing and Sterilizing
I brought in a bottle of washing detergent for washing my pump parts and Eilidh’s bottles. I washed it in the plane’s toilet, but I asked for boiling water to wash and sterilize the parts in a big Tupperware. You are allowed up to 2l worth of liquid, so the washing detergent was part of what I had in my carry on.
All in all, our flight (other than the likes of the Heathrow staff) was fantastic! Eilidh definitely enjoyed it and got to spend Christmas with her family in Scotland!!