Updated: Jun 18, 2020
I have been doing CrossFit since before I was pregnant, and I have always enjoyed the fact that I could just show up for class and have someone tell me what to do. However when I got pregnant, I had many issues that prevented from doing it regularly. Eventually when I resumed CrossFit after I gave birth, I had so many problems with getting my fitness level to what it was before.
I feel with the nature of CrossFit, it makes for such a good post Partum exercise. I have a coach that watches me making sure I have the right posture, so I won’t injury myself since my core hasn’t been engaged in 9 months.
I started exercising a month after I gave birth(with permission from my gyne of course). I started with running and realized I couldn’t run very efficiently. My tummy muscles were so weak at the time that couldn’t even engage it for my runs. I started wearing binders to keep my belly in place and it got alot easier. But going back to CrossFit where I have supervision was definitely the smarter thing to do.
The feeling of accomplishment when I’m able to get the muscles back after struggling with it for so long is amazing. I remember when I got back I couldn’t even do a proper box jump. I had to start from stacking plates to achieve the height!

And with all the confinement rules that tell me “if you don’t follow the rules you are going to have back problems”. But hey I can already do an overhead squat now. I think I will be fine 😊.

Exercise is always the key to a healthy lifestyle. And of course only do the ones that works for you! I have seen so many pushing themselves to do exercises that don’t work for them, and they end up having exercising in general. Exercise should be enjoyable, and I definitely cannot function without exercise. Giving excuses for not exercising is definitely not allowed in my book.