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Hi, I'm Raine

Born and Bread in Singapore, she's your average Designer plunged into a world of Fitness, Family and Motherhood.


CNY 2024
Lunch time with Miss Isla
throwback to ndp 2024 🇸🇬
Nursery Reveal!

Adjusting to my growing belly

This was me at 1 mth of pregnancy, and me telling mack he's not gonna be the only baby in the house no more!

He still needs some time to accept the big news 🙀🙀

It's already the 15th week and still the nausea won't go away! People are slowly getting me to accept the fact that it is probably going to be around for the whole pregnancy.

You know you have some mom's who love the feeling of having their little one growing inside of them? And when you see them they have this beautiful aura of mother?

It's a load of bullshit because I feel like a gorilla everyday.

And although it is still pretty early in the pregnancy, I am already having trouble waking up, getting up from my seat, or even getting ready to go out 😳😳.

My stomach already feel so heavy at 4 mths, and I lift weights as a hobby! 

It just constantly feel like I am bloated everyday, but I cannot put pressure or wait for it to subside because it's not fucking air 🙃

I feel horrible at work and unable to concentrate fully. I do get depressed occasionally about how life is going to change.

However when I went for my first ultra sound, everything changed. It is like I do not feel the nausea at that second I am looking at Krispy Kreme moving on the machine! Can't explain it really!

I keep telling myself it is all going to be worth it in the end, although I still have 5 more months to go................

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