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Hi, I'm Raine

Born and Bread in Singapore, she's your average Designer plunged into a world of Fitness, Family and Motherhood.


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Pregnancy Cravings: Quinoa Grain Bowl

Updated: May 30, 2020

So Krispy Kreme has been a fussy eater. I have realize that whenever I eat hawker food, which is the only thing available anywhere near my work location, I will have a very bad nausea after which prevents me from lasting throughout the day. So I have been ordering slightly expensive options which has made me broke last month. This time, I have asked my hubby to make so healthier meals for me to bring to work to cut cost.

My choice tonight, Jamie Oliver's Quinoa Graine Bowl! The recipe is from one of his cookbooks titled Super Foods, one that I bought 2 years ago and never used 😅😅.

Hubby is a busy engineer, and yet taking the time to cook upon requests after work. I am so blessed 😊😊😍😍.

And it was delicious! I think my husband tweeked the recipe to add more of my favourite ingredients into the dish. I am generally a big fan of quinoa but if I were to eat it everyday we would be broke 😂😂.

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