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Hi, I'm Raine

Born and Bread in Singapore, she's your average Designer plunged into a world of Fitness, Family and Motherhood.


CNY 2024
Lunch time with Miss Isla

Eilidh’s 3-6 Month Routine

Updated: May 30, 2020

Since Eilidh is already 4 months old, I have decided to update you guys on her routine that was started by a baby-led one.

I was innitially quite stressed about how she was going to have a proper routine, since I will be at work and unable to control her schedule. So during my maternity leave, I used every inch of this opportunity to get her on some sort of routine without really upsetting her wishes.

For the first few months, it was entirely baby led; I latched her whenever she cries for milk, and put her straight for a nap as soon as she has her first yawn. It took her awhile before I realize Eilidh was setting her own routine.

She would automatically wake at 730, and normally be abit sleepy tired for the whole morning. I used to bathe her the first thing she wakes, but soon realize this started to annoy her since she wasn’t fully awake. I realize she probably don’t have enough sleep time because she normally properly goes to bed at 10pm. Because of her lack of rest, i figured she is probably overtired thus I had trouble putting her down for a nap.

When she eventually progressed from feeding every 2hrs to every 3hrs, it was alot less tiring for me. By the time she was 2 months old, I completely weaned her off latching because I did not want her to go on a milk strike when I’m at work.

By 3 months, I got her on the following schedule:

0900 wakes up 0930 wipe down & bath time with a FEED after 1030 NAP 1200 FEED 1300 NAP 1500 FEED 1600 NAP 1800 FEED 1900 Playtime with Mommy and daddy 2100 wipe down & FEED 2130 Sleep 0330 night FEED & goes back to sleep 0730 morning FEED & goes back to sleep

So in all Eilidh sleeps from 2130 to 0900 with 2 feeds in between, which is a sleep time of a total of approximately 11 hours as she falls right back to sleep immediately after feeding. She naps 3 times in the day for around an hour each nap, which brings me to 14 hours of sleep a day.

Suprising at this age she is such a good sleeper; after feeding her all I need to do is cudddle her for awhile and put her down in her crib and walk out of the room. After coming back after 10 mins she is fast asleep! I’m hoping she stays that way like, forever 😂.


For her feeding, by 3 months she was around 5.9 kg, so I followed the following formula as a guide on her daily intake:

5.9 x 120 = 708ml

She drinks a total of 100ml per feed and 130ml for her last feed. Taking to account she sometimes doesn’t finish her bottle, she drinks a total of 600-730ml per day. She has been drinking only about 500-600ml per day since she was 1 month old.


I got my helper to stick to this schedule after seeing that Eilidh likes and automatically sets this schedule, and it works out really well for me and my husband, especially when we get to have at least an hour at night with her for playtime. By the way, did I mentioned how strong her legs are now!?!?


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