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Hi, I'm Raine

Born and Bread in Singapore, she's your average Designer plunged into a world of Fitness, Family and Motherhood.


CNY 2024
Lunch time with Miss Isla
throwback to ndp 2024 🇸🇬
Nursery Reveal!

Social Detox

Last month, was a toxic month.

The aftermath of the scandal of George Floyd have turned social media so ugly and the world, unrecognizable. My faith in humanity was diminished from the hate, judgement that flooded my streams. I decided that it was the last straw.

By then, I have already stopped using Twitter and Facebook leaving Instagram my only source of social reach during this circuit breaker (lock down). I liked Instagram because I still enjoy following my favourite influencers who were relevant in my life. I loved looking at the portfolio of photographers, and the online shops in Instagram 😍.

However, the stories shared by justice warriors has caused my feed to turn political and I have therefore deleted the app for a month until everything settles. I have started believe the end of humanity would be caused by only social media alone.

I have realised how often Instagram has become my go-to app to kill time. Now, the time spend looking at my phone was reduced by half, and time spend playing with my little one drasticly increased. I could leave my phone in my room in isolation with little attention paid to it.

Then, I found out I can set my WhatsApp to optimised mode. This will prevent anything from this app from running in the background.

Working in Singapore means you are added to every work group available, and WhatsApp become equivalent to a work email. However optimising WhatsApp meant my messages would only be received only when I activate the application. Therefore, I will not be distracted by any work messages during family time and I know that when there is an emergency by friends or family, they know to call me.

This detox definitely taught me how to not be handicapped by my phone. I have started reading more news apps, such as BBC and CNA to kill time if I have any.

I really recommend anyone who needs time off from all the chaos going on in the world right now, to take this detox too. I have realize how much happier I am after the break, because no one is blasting things in my face telling me what I am supposed to think or say. As I opened my feed, I have realised some of my favourite influencers have also done the same - they have taken a break from Instagram and YouTube for a few weeks to avoid all drama, so it looks like I wasn't missing out on much!

To end this note, here's an image of me and my little girl!

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